
Bridge Street Cemetery (1661), Bridge Street. Some of accused witch Mary (Bliss) Parsons’ descendants are buried here. She lived in Northampton but died in Springfield.
Historic Northampton, 46 Bridge Street. Local historical society “connecting the past with the present through restoration, lectures, active exploration, art and so much more.” Digital collections catalog. Archives and manuscripts.
Cornet Joseph and Mary (Bliss) Parsons home site, corner of Bridge and Market streets, near Historic Northampton’s properties.
Nathaniel Parsons home (1719), Bridge Street. Grandson of Cornet Joseph and Mary (Bliss) Parsons. Archaeological dig conducted 2015.
Five College Archives & Manuscript Collections.
Meadow City Historians. A group for people interested in and doing research on local history related to Northampton.
Online Books & Records
History of Northampton, Massachusetts, from its settlement in 1654 by James Russell Trumbull (1898)
Inscriptions on the grave stones in the grave yards of Northampton, and of other towns in the valley of the Connecticut, as Springfield, Amherst, Hadley, Hatfield, Deerfield, &c. by Thomas Bridgman (1850)