
Mount Vernon Cemetery (1702/1717), Mt Vernon Road. Rebecca (Blake) Eames (ca. 1641-1721) pleaded guilty of witchcraft at her arraignment. She remained in jail, awaiting sentencing. In January 1693, Judge William Stoughton sentenced her (and others) to hang but was reprieved by Governor William Phips. Her original gravestone still stands (it is encased in cement), along with footstone.
Boxford Historical Document Center, 173A Washington Street.
Boxford Historical Society, 2 Topsfield Road. Historic displays at the Holyoke-French house, built 1760.
Boxford Town Library, 7A Spofford Road.
Online Books & Records
Dwellings of Boxford, Essex county, Massachusetts by Sidney Perley (1893)
History of Boxford by Sidney Perley (1880)
History of Rowley, anciently including Bradford, Boxford, and Georgetown, from the year 1639 to the present time by Thomas Gage (1840)