Witch Books

Links for online books covering witch hunts in Massachusetts Bay. For more variety, check the Digital Collections page.
Annals of witchcraft in New England: and elsewhere in the United States, from their first settlement. Drawn up from unpublished and other well authenticated records of the alleged operations of witches and their instigator, the devil by Samuel Gardner Drake
Narratives of the witchcraft cases, 1648-1706 by George Lincoln Burr (1914)
Psychology of the Salem Witchcraft Excitement of 1692, and Its Practical Application to Our Own Time by George Miller Beard (1882)
Salem Witchcraft, comprising More Wonders of the Invisible World collected by Robert Calef and Wonders of the Invisible World by Cotton Mather together with notes and explanations by Samuel P. Fowler (1865)
Salem Witchcraft with an Account of Salem Village and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and Kindred Subjects by Charles W. Upham
See Roadtrips pages for digital collections and books for individual locations. For larger areas, under Research, check Genealogy Links, Histories, Land & Buildings pages.