Land & Buildings

First Period New England: New England History and Material Culture to 1730 by David Moffat and Ryan Conary
Historic American Buildings Survey
- Sarah Holten house (a.k.a. Judge Samuel Holten), Danvers (photos)
- George Jacobs Sr. house, Danvers (photos)
Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS)
- John Proctor house, Peabody
National Register of Historic Places by the National Park Service
Massachusetts Land Records offices in state
Massachusetts Land Records 1620-1986 (images) on FamilySearch
Northern Essex Registry of Deeds: Andover, Lawrence, Methuen, and North Andover (since 1869)
Southern Essex Registry of Deeds: Salem and others not listed above
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds: Lowell
Middlesex South Registry of Deeds: Cambridge
Our Colonial Homes by Samuel Adams Drake (1894)
See Roadtrips pages for digital collections and books for individual locations. For larger areas, under Research, check Digital Collections, Genealogy, and Histories pages. Also, see Boston page for state-wide organizations with headquarters there.