Genealogy Links

Links geared toward family historians.
Burial Grounds
Find a Grave database
Massachusetts Gravestone Photo Project
A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England by James Savage (1860). Surnames A-C, D-J, K-R, S-Z
A Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England: To which are Added Various Genealogical and Biographical Notes, Collected from Ancient Records, Manuscripts, and Printed Works by John Farmer (1829)
Pioneers of Massachusetts by Charles Henry Pope (1900)
Genealogy Sites & Societies
Essex Society of Genealogists (ESOG) with collections at Lynnfield Public Library
Massachusetts Society of Genealogists: Bristol, Merrimack Valley, Middlesex, and Worcester
Massachusetts USGenWeb project
New England Regional Genealogical Consortium, an association of genealogy societies
Vital Records
Not all of these records cover every town and county for every time period.
Massachusetts Births and Christenings 1639-1915 on FamilySearch
Massachusetts Marriages 1695-1910 on FamilySearch
Massachusetts, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records 1626-2001 on FamilySearch
Massachusetts Town Records ca. 1638-1961 on FamilySearch
all Massachusetts Historical Records Collection on FamilySearch
Maine Vital Records 1670-1921 on FamilySearch
Maine Veterans Cemetery Records 1676-1918, including King Philip’s War, on FamilySearch
all Maine Historical Record Collections on FamilySearch
Blog Posts
Starting Your Family Tree on Genealogy Ink
See Roadtrips pages for digital collections and books for individual locations. For larger areas, under Research, check Digital Collections, Histories, and Land & Buildings pages. Also, see Boston page for state-wide organizations with headquarters there.